Inarguably, positive social network has profund impact on both our physical and mental health, it reduces hypertension and improves our outlook on life.
We are surrounded by amazing people, who can readily offer what we need and on the flip side you are the solution to someone else’s needs. I had a light bulb moment earlier this year when I realised “I cannot do it alone!”. This led me to take a closer look at the brilliant women around me.
The good book says “Other people give honor to a prophet. But in his own town with his own people and in his own home, a prophet does not receive honor” A clever woman will cherish and welcome the great talents around her.

Let me give you a few examples! I have four beautiful, achieving sisters, who are my best friends and confidants: Busola Tosin, Abiola and Tiwalola . We are who and what we are because of our strong and beautiful mother. They know just the words to say to get my backside moving when I am down in the dumps. We have been through so much together and always emerged stronger.
Sometime two years ago, I had a few concerns about my son which I tried to sort out on my own. It reached a point I knew for certain I needed help. I had just the ladies to call: Shola Alabi and Kiki Jolugbo, Joshua’s Army . These are great women who specialise in parental and child support and as a team we were able to iron out the kinks.
Have you ever woken up with palpitations, your thoughts bombarded by outstanding money issues and deep-seated financial worries?. Ah yes!! I have had my share of these mornings, one in particular, a Saturday morning. I got up and by 9am I was on the phone to Ronke Odewumi.
Now, this is the lady you need in your corner when you are in a financial fix. She is the budgeting queen, investments expert, offers tips on managing your debts and so much more. By the end of that single telephone conversation, I had a well-laid out plan on how to manage my finances. Guess what? I slept like a baby that night :).
Just before my birthday two years ago, I had a brainstorming sessions with my sister, Tosin. She encouraged me to start putting out health information on social media, she suggested a YouTube channel.
The research into how to set up a YouTube channel, record the videos, edit, etc, swiftly overwhelmed me. I felt out of my depth, a mile out of my comfort zone and unsure where to start from. My very faithful self closed the book and left it for another six months! Until I decided to speak to a life coach, none other than Comfort Babalogbon.
Comfort has great passion to empower women to be their best versions at home and in the workplace. She has been my mentor, confidant and counsellor for so many years. Out of her busy schedule we started coaching sessions . Wow!!! what a superb, deep, beautiful woman.
She drew me out of my comfort zone, encouraged me to think outside the box and asked myself uncomfortable questions. This led to the birth of the Healthy Ebony Woman blog site!

She walked me through every step and liaised me with a great team to develop the website. During the whole process we discovered I needed to boost my confidence. I enrolled in the “Boost My Confidence” course by Detola Amure, this is a highly recommended course for every woman.
Now I have the priviledge to give back to my community because I have received many meaningful support along the way. These are only a few of the beautiful women who inspire me and to each one of you, I say a massive “Thank You”!
The whole purpose of this write-up is to buffer my last article on the positive effect of social support on our blood pressure. With all these supports the stressors in my life are better managed, and I am not buckling under their pressure.
Today, I encourage you to give and receive support from your social network. If you do not have any, it is never too late. Start by taking a closer look at those around you.
As women let’s begin to support one another positively. Give and receive social support to reduce the level of stressors in our community and improve good health among women. Why not start by sharing this blog post.
I always love to hear back from you. Leave me your email here so you never miss a blog post.
Much love.
Wow, my ebony woman, this is a great one. Thank you for the reminder. ‘I am important and my support system is key’.
Oh. Working with you was a pleasure and delightful. You are great mum doing an amazing job with your young champion. Love always!
Thank you for this feedback and yes! you are super important to us, making lots positive impact.
Amazing! No man is an island. We were created for relationships. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for stopping by! I am thoroughly pleased you found this useful.